SpideyLab just turned two years old last month! (And, with that, I became older too. We have the same birthday.) As part of this, I am giving my blog an overall new look and a new logo as well (Featured Image)! Oh, SpideyLab. You seem old enough but yet still have a long way to go.
Blog as a Dream
Two years ago, my dream turned into an ambition. This ambition was then turned into a reality. A reality that used to be my hobbyist escape from my day to day life. Yes, all of this drip down and pertains to creating a blog. But, what is the purpose of having this dream achieved?
I lose track after a few months launching SpideyLab. This blog easily appeared to be abandoned. No new post published and rarely maintained. Yet, there is traffic coming in from organic searches. Somehow, it made the blog alive together with its comment section. But, neither of these things gave justice. Why? I’m putting the blame that I started to work full time. I didn’t have any part of my time to allot to SpideyLab. I just had my first work, launched my portfolio profile/blog and many other reasons that I can’t justify enough. But, are there any enough reasons that I can answer why?
Maybe because all I think of having a blog is fulfilling my dream. Then, it was done. It ended just like submitting a paper for my subject’s final requirement. But, blogging is much more than that. I learned that instead of just fulfilling the dream, I need something to push through – to continue this new venture of mine. I thought I already have it from the start. I was wrong. I lack the required drive. I thought it is just a plug-n-play type. I’ll join the millions of bloggers and pretend to be one. Again, I was wrong. I lose track simply because I lack passion.
Why I Blog
So, why I blog? Today, it is not just to fulfill my dream. It is to continue driving this ambitious hobby to work. Then, drive this hobby again on being a professional blogger someday. Yes, I lose track but slowly regaining it.
There are still lots of things to learn. SpideyLab will continue to join me on this journey. And, it will still be, as usual, my training ground for all of these. As others say, blogging is like an art, the more you practice, the more you can perfect it. I believe that SpideyLab is on its way on it. SpideyLab is slowly becoming more sustainable as well. Maintaining it will not be problem as long as I have the drive to blog.
I do not have a fixed niche, but as my revamped new logo says: SpideyLab is RB’s idea hub. SpideyLab will continue to be my idea hub and my online lab, where my ideas and knowledge together with my experiences are posted and shared to others. Well, this is the purpose of this blog from the start, anyway. 😀
So, what do you think of SpideyLab’s new logo for 2017?