I spent the night updating my blog’s overall look. Although the old theme is good, it is somewhat “too tight” and it feels like my blog content is restricted to a small space. It is hard to let go of the Receptar theme since Webmandesign really did a good job on creating the theme. However, I finally decided to leave Receptar when I saw this great theme named “Publication” that is just recently added in WordPress.org repository. It is made by Automattic themselves, the same company who brought WordPress to the online world.
Receptar Theme
So, as a comparison, here’s a snapshot of my blog’s old look:
Snapshot of blog homepage running a customized Receptar 1.5 theme in WordPress 4.2.4.

Publication Theme
And how it looks today:

Yes. I admit. I am a fan of striking big images. 😀 In fact, there’s an undocumented theme I had used when this blog is on its first month. The theme name is Big Pix by WPDevShed. I heavily customized it according to my needs. Then suddenly, all the customizations were gone when a server outage happened last August. -_-
Update: September 2. I change the theme again for the 2nd consecutive time. Now, I believe this looks better.
Gazette Theme

I am surprised that Google also changed its look today by introducing a new logo that is very different from the old ones. The new Google logo now uses a sans serif font! Here’s an animation captured on Google search homepage:
Well, it looks like those letters seen on children’s toys! Haha. Anyway, this is a very refreshing move of the company.
A video compilation of Google’s logos in the past until the most recent one: