Get a fully approved genuine adsense account within a few days! Being a blogger, having an approved Google Adsense account is a great achievement – something you can be proud of. Whether you are just starting a blog or have an old blog that you want to monetize. So, today I’ll gonna share with you how I got approved in Google Adsense in less than a month of blogging. These are tips or strategies on how to get adsense approval in matter of days even with a new and less than a month old blog.
How to Get Fast and Easy Approval in Google Adsense
While others encounter numerous rejection from Google when they apply for an Adsense account, I had passed the initial and final review of the Adsense team with only 1 rejection. I got a fully working Google Adsense account with a blog/domain that is less than a month old. How do I do it?
Let’s take a look about things you should know before hitting that submit button in Adsense application form.
Things To Do Before Adsense Application
This serves as a complete guide that cover all the basic and necessary things required to have a fully approved Google Adsense account in just a matter of few days.
Before trying to send an application to Google, make sure you have done the following so that you can have a flawless approval from the Google Adense team.
1. Use a Top Level Domain (TLD) Name
Using a blogspot subdomain is a no no today. Yes. Google prioritize the approval of blogs with the domain before. But it is not the trend today. You should have your own domain. Top level domains are domains that end with .com,.org,.net etc. Domains are cheap and you can buy one for about 10 US dollars. If you do not have any money to pay for hosting services, there are free hosts around to try or park the domain through Google Blogger (Blogspot). Make sure that the registry details of the domain is the same with your name and other information sent to Google through your application. These details are crucial and Google loves it when you are honest and willing to show your idenity to them. They do not use any information for illegal doings.
Cheap .COM Domain Registration for as low as $1+.
Others say that a blog or domain should be existing or registered for about few months (3 months or more) before applying for Adsense account. This is not true. I registered this blog on last week of April, uploaded and launched the blog on the first week of May and I already got a fully working Adsense account by third week of that month. That is only a span of less than a month. In some countries like India, Google requires a blog to be at least 6 months old. Since it is easy making .IN domains there thus spamming is everywhere too.
Note: I transferred some blog posts from my old blog and it is archived with the date April 2015. If Google Adsense considered my blog got started in the month of April, then it is still only about 2 months old.
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2. Write Quality Content
Google Adsense team do not tolerate plagiarism. Duplicated content is a no no. You should have original and useful content in your blog. If you just copied articles from another blog and edited some sentences, then there is a low possibility that your blog will get approve. In my personal opinion, you should have at least 15 quality posts that has no lower than 500 words per post. When we say “quality” posts, these are posts that make sense and informative. Posts should not look like a spam. Include images on your posts. It is best to use images you own or you created. Try not to use images found in the internet especially if it is copyrighted. Do not create posts that are racist, offending, violent, weaponry, adult/censored, gambling/casino and illegal drugs related. Google may add some or change the policy about allowable content. It is a good practice to read the Terms and Conditions of Adsense before applying.
Google does not state anything about how many posts a blog should have to get approve but 15 is a pretty safe number to start with. In terms of copyrighted images, images are not specified in their policy but it is best to use images that you have rights to use. You can still use images in the internet but make sure it is in public domain or allowed for non-commercial/for modification use. These images can be filtered by the Google Images search engine. Also, most of the images found with Creative Commons license can be use in your blog with proper crediting to the original owner.
3. Make Blogging a Hobby
I said that you should have at least 15 quality posts in your blog. But I didn’t say that you should do it in just a day. To make your blog appear genuine to Adsense, these posts should be distributed along different dates. It is pretty good to post 1 to 2 articles a day as a starting blogger. But posting once to thrice a week is okay.
Google do not require a minimum traffic for a blog to get approve. It doesn’t matter if you only have one, two, or ten visitors.
Recommended Reading: Organizing Blog Categories
4. Dedicate a Privacy Policy and Contact Page
Google loves it when you declare how you use information gathered from your visitors. Before applying for Google Adsense, you should have a PRIVACY POLICY page. Also, you appear serious on blogging if you have a dedicated CONTACT page for your visitors. Optional pages that are interesting to have are: Disclaimer, About the Blog/Author, and Terms and Conditions page. These pages are OPTIONAL. Personally, I created these pages not only for Google Adsense application but to complete the look of my personal blog. I just want to have them sitting in my blog. Along with these pages are History and Site Statistics page – again NOT REQUIRED. MY PERSONAL PREFERENCE ONLY.
5. Do Not Host or Link Adult and Copyrighted Material
Like plagiarism, Google strictly prohibited Adsense websites to contain material that they do not have rights to distribute. Copyrighted materials inlclude songs, movies, books and software that is not free for use. Google do not want adult content in a blog. There are other ways to monetize from those. Not with Adsense. When Google Adense sees anything that is copyrighted or violates family safety, whether hosted or linked, you will get a fast disapproval.
Even you are already an Adsense approved, Google checks your blog time to time and when they discovered something illegal, your account will get suspended.
6. Create a Google Webmaster and Analytics Account
These two are basic tools a blogger should have. You should add your blog to Google Webmaster or Search Console and connect it with a Google Analytics Account. Again, details of accounts should match the one you are sending to Google. Adding a URL to Google Webmaster will make your blog to be successfully indexed in the Google Search Engine. It is a very good source of organic traffic in the future. Also, submit your site to Bing, Baidu and other search engines. Do not use or pay for a software to do these things. Adding your blog to these major search engines alone will give a traffic boost for your quality posts.
These six things are the basic foundation on having a fully approved Google Adsense account working in just a matter of days. You may be rejected at first but they will inform you about the reason why you get rejected. Work on it and resend your application. Me, myself got rejected once due to lack of content. I am pretty sure that it is not true. What I did is I changed my blog theme and resend the application. And Tadda! it was approved! So here it is, make sure your theme creates an excerpt on the homepage since Google bots want it. The approval process are done by a bot and a human but of course, when the bot said that you are not eligible, then the human will not anymore check your blog.
Patience and hardwork is the key.
Additional Tips
So let’s say you’d got approved in Google Adsense. The most important thing to remember is: DO NOT CLICK YOUR OWN ADS. As this will lead you getting banned on Adsense for life. This do not only apply on you but anyone in your home that uses the same internet connection. Since you have the same IP, Google will treat the clicks as like you clicked your own ads. Also, keep up to date on policy changes of Adsense and check if you are still obeying the rules.
As of now, my biggest problem is that no one clicks an ad here in my blog so that I do not have any income yet from Google Adsense. And Oops! This is an additional tip. DO NOT OBLIGE OR TELL YOUR VISITORS TO CLICK AN AD. This is again a violation of the Adsense policy.