Hi! Wanted to say “Hi”? I will gladly appreciate one from my reader. 😀 Kindly use the contact form below to shoot me a message.
- This contact system is checked only once every 2 weeks at most.
- For immediate and higher chance of getting a timely response regarding your inquiry, please use Disqus to comment in the specific article you are concerned about. That way, I can reply to you once Disqus alerted me.
- You can comment as “guest” or login via your desired social media (Facebook/Twitter/Google) in Disqus comment section of the blog. Interaction with other visitors/readers is encourage. Who knows? Others might be able to help you too! 😀
- For E-mails sent asking for files that is already present in this blog, please use the search function to look for it by yourself. Usually, related blog posts are linked with each other too. So, it will be easy. You can ask me to provide and/or look for files for you, but it is not guaranteed.
- I am not internally connected to Lazada/Zalora and any other merchants/store wherein I did review their service and/or product/s, unless explicitly specified. I am afraid that I can’t transact on behalf of you. I can only give tips based on my personal experience.
Thanks a lot for your understanding!