It’s been a year that I am a Zalora Brand Ambassador! Today, I’ll share with you my experiences in the said program. Maybe, you are reading this post because you’re curious about it, if it is really true. Let me answer that curiousness you have there using this article. 🙂
So, let me have a recap first about it.
What is Zalora Brand Ambassador Program?
Zalora Brand Ambassador Program or shortly called as Zalora BAP is a commission platform offered to all existing customers of the online shopping site, Zalora. Basically, as how it is named, you’ll be an ambassador of the brand (or the company itself) and help them to gain new customers. In return of your eagerness to invite your friend/colleagues to try shopping online, you’ll get a 18% effective commission from the first purchases of these new customers when they used your BAP code. As a welcome gift to your friends/colleagues, they’ll also get a 15% off their first order from Zalora. Both of you and your invitee will benefit with Zalora BAP. Isn’t it nice? 😀
As an addition, you’ll still get 7.2% commission if you’re customer decided to order again within 60 days. After 60 days, you’ll no longer earn commission/s if the said customer placed an order again. Commissions will be posted and available for redemption in your account after 30 days (to make way for the 30 day refund policy).
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First Days with BAP
I am hesitant to try the platform at first since it seems like not a real deal for me. Well, I am very happy with my purchase on Zalora, I guess it won’t hurt if I’ll try signing up for the program. And, nothing will be proven unless you tried, right? Have I also told you that it is free? 😀
After a few days from signing up, I received an email from Zalora welcoming me to the BAP community. It also contains few notes and guides on how to earn using BAP. So, I copied and get my BAP code and decided to make a banner and put it here on my blog. I leave it here on the sidebar as well as on my article link above, then I continued my daily life of course. 😛
Months after, my earned commission is still zero despite of receiving emails that someone placed an order using my BAP code. I am a bit upset. I am already thinking that the program is a bogus one. But, I’ve waited again for few months then commissions started appearing on my account! I need to have at least 1000 on Commission Available for Redemption before requesting a payout. I made my very first payout request on 24th of December last year, 2015 amounting to around 1,500 pesos. I just selected store credit since I am really planning to buy some stuffs on Zalora.
Weeks after (3 weeks I guess), I received a voucher code from them and asking me to input the code in my wallet. And Voila, my first commission is now here, available for use! Right after that, I started adding items to my cart and placed a new order using my commission. I am just excited, okay! 😛
A Year After
It’s been a year that I am in the program. I had already did a successful payout about 10 times, using store credit. Currently, I have around 75-80 customers invited to shop using Zalora with at least 15 of them still active and giving me commissions.
I am very glad I signed up for the platform. It is a great way to earn money for your shopping needs or savings. yes, it is not that large amount of money that can replace your weekday work in the office. But hey, isn’t it fun giving other people a discount coupon to use while you still get something from it? 🙂
For my next payout, I am planning to utilize the bank transfer option if it is as fast as store credit for payout. Usually, I get my payout after 10-15 days from the date I requested for it.
Interested? Are you not yet a Zalora Customer? Sign up and get 15% your first order using my BAP code: ZBAPZS6T and you might be a Zalora Brand Ambassador like me!
I applied to the program here:
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